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Juri Sepp
Top Talent
Company Modera
Address 2589 Cheshire Road, Stamford, CT 06901
Land Phone 785-416-8903
Cell Phone 212-694-2286
Email cameronguy@modera.com

Juri Sepp

UI/UX Designer

Creative and detail-oriented UI/UX Designer with a passion for crafting exceptional user experiences. Proficient in translating user needs into visually appealing and intuitive designs. Strong collaborator who thrives in interdisciplinary teams to deliver innovative digital solutions that combine aesthetics with functionality.

Passionate UI Designer with a keen eye for detail and a drive to create exceptional digital experiences. Leveraging a strong foundation in design principles and an understanding of user behavior, I specialize in crafting interfaces that seamlessly blend aesthetics with usability.

By collaborating closely with cross-functional teams, I consistently deliver innovative solutions that captivate users and elevate brands. With a dedication to staying at the forefront of design trends and technologies, I am committed to pushing the boundaries of visual and interactive design to create meaningful connections between users and products.

FrontEnd Development
BackEnd Development
Server Management
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