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Samuel Oliver
Top Talent
Company Herzog PLC
Address 99050 Meggie Harbor New Dawson
Land Phone 301-346-3447
Cell Phone 719-382-2900
Email samueljackson@herzogplc.com

Samuel Oliver

Corona Specialist

Dedicated and knowledgeable Corona Specialist with a proven background in effectively managing and mitigating challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Leveraging a multidisciplinary skill set, I am adept at developing and implementing comprehensive strategies for disease prevention, public health education, crisis management, and community outreach.

By staying informed about the latest developments, guidelines, and best practices, I am committed to fostering safer environments and contributing to the well-being of individuals and communities.

Dedicated and knowledgeable Corona Specialist with a proven background in effectively managing and mitigating challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Leveraging a multidisciplinary skill set, I am adept at developing and implementing comprehensive strategies for disease prevention, public health education, crisis management, and community outreach.

By staying informed about the latest developments, guidelines, and best practices, I am committed to fostering safer environments and contributing to the well-being of individuals and communities.

Graphic Design
UI/UX Design
Design Tools
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💥Набор групп на категорию А круглый год! м. Домодедовская!

📆Срок обучения 1,5-2  месяца в летний период, 2-2,5 месяца в зимний.

При оформлении до 15.02.2025, экзамен в апреле-мае.

Спешите записаться - количество мест в группе ограничено! Экзамены - круглый год.

Посетить пробное занятие можно на тёплой крытой площадке в ТЦ Вегас на Каширском шоссе, на крытой летней - у м. Свиблово.

Актуальные акции. 

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